Summer is a wonderful season that we all love like we always hanging out on summer days and the summer vibe would be much better if we have a company like a cute dog. At the same time, we also need to think about protection like dog pad protection for our lovely dog. Because our furry little friend also needs that just like us human beings going out would wear some sun cream, sun protection clothing and so on in the heat summer. And obviously, dog paw protection is the most important part of the whole process. Right?
In my opinion, if you were active with your dog particularly like, taking him or her for a long run or hike. I think you should watch out for your dog closely because your dog can not tell you if his or her paws got hurt from hot pavement. You may know that your dog’s paw pads are ruff and tough but they may be far away from invincible at the same time. The truth is, it’s very easy to burn your dog’s paws and ruin your dog’s day even your day you know? The burns of dog paw pads could develop from trotting over the poured asphalt freshly, or just walking on hot pavement simply, etc.. some chemicals may be coming into contact with your dog’s paw pads. Do you know that?
What’s the SIGNS OF BURNED DOG PAWS after walking on the hot pavement
There are so many signs from your dog can tell if his or her paw pads got hurt or got burned or not as long as you pay attention to him or her. Well, let’s check more below now!
- If your dog lick and chew commonly at his or her burned paws with hoping to find some relief you may need to be careful. Because that means your dog’s paw pads already injuries, maybe slightly or painfully even worse!
- If your dog starts walk limping, or worse such as refuse to walk completely unlike the active usual. You can take a serious check on your dog or you can take him or her to the pet hospital directly if you want.
- If your dog’s paw pads are darker than usual, or come with strange colors those looking completely different. Maybe you should worry about if anything goes wrong with your furry friend’s paw pads you know?
- Your dog missed parts of the foot pad if you did put some dog feet protectors on your dog, like dog foot pad covers, then you should be cautious. Because that could be a sign that showing your dog’s paw pads are getting hurt or already being hurt by the hot pavement you know?
- If you notice there are some visible blisters or redness on your dog’s paw pads, that means your dog got hurt by the heated pavement no matter you did put some dog paw pad covers on your dog’s paw pads or not. Sometimes, dog paw protection pads just ain’t work on some dogs. However, you can try the other dog paw pad protection like dog paw wax, dog paw gloves or dog heat booties, etc…
- If your dog is refusing to walk for a very long time or acting like he or she was in a considerable amount of pain, you may need to consider veterinary attention for his or her burned paw pads. Just take your dog to the vet immediately in case that anything more serious, like may turn into a second or third-degree burn than a first-degree burned from the hot pavement. Or if you found out the entire sections of your dog’s paw pad are missing or burned off during walking on the hot pavement or after the walk, my advice is just to take your dog to the veterinary immediately.
What to do to protect dog paws from hot pavement
- You’d better try to recognize how sensitive your dog’s paw pads are is the first step to preventing any kind of injuries in the future. Be careful with every floor that could hurt your dog’s paws around your house, backyard or garden ..etc. Just like protecting the infants those like crowning on the hot floors in summer, so that we can have a better time with our special furry family member forever, right?
- Furthermore, I would highly recommend you do as much as prevention to protect your dog’s paws from hot pavement. Every since after outdoor walking, don’t forget to inspect your dog’s paws and wash them off with a moist rag to remove the external dirt like chemicals or deicers, those could create painful paw burns on your dog’s paws. Besides, that process can cool your dog’s feet down after a outdoor summer walk and check if there are any burns on them. That’s quite important, right?
- In summer, the hot pavement may reach a temperature over 100 °F if the outdoor temperature is about 80 °F. You need to feel the pavement your dog may walk onto with the bottom of your bare hand before your dog walks on it. As though you can’t maintain your palm to the pavement conveniently for 10 seconds or maybe greater, it can be too warm in your dog’s paws to skip via. That’s also a terrific technique on the way to do the prevention process. How do you think?
- If you have time and can be very patient, I’d like to suggest you watch your dog while playing on the hot pavement to prevent him or her from getting burned on any freshly poured asphalt, hot coals, or anything else that could result in hot pavement injuries. You can do that regardless you are walking your dog outside or just letting your dog playing inside your place. That’s very helpful. You should have a try.
- To shield canine paws from warmth higher, I assume you may offer a further barrier of safety against the elements by way of applying some dog paw covers on your dog’s paws each day. For example, some dog paw covers for heat protection like dog heat booties, dog paw protective socks, and loobani dog paw pads, etc..can be very protective for your dog’s paw pads. Those moisturizing pieces of stuff can add a layer of protection between your dog’s paws and the pavement most of the time, providing some help to prevent the risk of burning and other common paw injuries that could come to your dog.
- If your dog is more comfortable with something those more lighter and freely. You can have a try with dog paw protection balm, dog paw protection wax, and dog paw protection cream, etc…For many reasons, those are also a great solution for your dog that may slip on some floors. On the other hand, the dog paw protection wax recipe is helpful for that if your dog’s paws are dry or cracked as well.
Honestly, there are tons of ways to protect the dog’s paws from hot pavement. But the best dog paw protection for hot pavement depends on the dog himself or herself you know? Anyway, how to defend canine paws from hot pavement is very important for us to learn and we believe that we can get the job done well, right?